We had such an enjoyable time touring the Evanston City Fire Station! The children were all really fabulous for their very first field trip of our preschool year. We had many moms on deck ready for anything, but really, the moms and I had just as much fun as the kids. Such well behaved little sweeties!
I was impressed that they were able to sit and listen to Fire Fighter Overy's detailed presentation about fire safety. They were so engaged and so fascinated with all the fire fighter gear and tools. The main points our fire fighter wanted to get across to our students were; never play with fire and if you are ever trapped in a house fire, don't panic and don't be afraid of the fire fighter. These preschoolers certainly know their stuff now!
Fire Fighters are so strong and so smart, they have found ways to rescue even the largest of unconscious adults. Luckily, tiny Jack volunteered to demonstrate letting us "grown up" moms off the hook:)
Each child got a chance to try on some of the gear themselves!
The best part though, was seeing the ins and outs of the REAL fire trucks! I think we have some future fire fighters on our hands!
Thanks to everyone who came and helped make this such a memorable field trip!