So, this is Janet. One of the store managers at our local Smith's Food and Drug. She courageously accepted the challenge of entertaining our brood of enthusiastic preschoolers on our second field trip of the year. It was fantastic!
The kids were thrilled to be admitted into the deepest, darkest center of the Smith's universe to see how the whole thing goes down.
Boy were they surprised! They had never really thought about how the food actually GETS to the stores or OUT onto the shelves. It never occured to them that a FREEZER could be as GIGANTIC as a whole entire ROOM!
Well, NOW they know!
They know that it is those big semi trucks, that they see on the free way, that are full of food and other products, travelling to get the goods into the stores.
They know that when this big door opens up, the semi truck will back up onto the moving landing dock and then the workers will empty the stuff out of the truck onto the pallets.
It was all so very cool to see.
But the best part? The part that had the kids squealing and rolling around on the cold concrete floor? Well, none other than the AMAZING MILK FRIDGE!!!!!!
Holy cow (no pun intended)! I would love to see these kids at Disneyland. They were soooo thrilled about this fridge, I can't even imagine what Disneyland must be like?!?
Well, after we adequately frightened any unknowing shopper who was trying to purchase milk, Janet decided we needed to go back into the main part of the store. Not for too long though. Just long enough to walk through the produce (and pick some apples to take back to the school) and over to the BAKERY!!!!
Can an OVEN really be as big as a room too???
Well yes it can, but we will not be going inside the oven kids!
How about a cookie instead?
Or an amazing birthday cake for the birthday boy?
And perhaps a delicious spread of meats and cheeses to enjoy back at the preschool?
My goodness! Were we spoiled rotten or what??? Thanks to everyone who came to help and a HUGE thanks to Janet and everyone else at our favorite grocery store, SMITH'S!