Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hello Everyone! Welcome to the preschool blog! I will try to update with a new post every Wednesday and Friday, to give you and your child something to look at and talk about on the days he/she is not in school. I will try to take pictures of things we did throughout the day and also, little things around the room that I might want your child to remember and talk to you about. Try to check in at least once a week, I think it will be a great learning tool as well as a way for you to see more details of our days at school.

Here is a little peek at Red/Apple Day. I wasn't as diligent with taking pictures because it was sooooo crazy, but I did manage to get this group shot. There were a few children who did not want to cooperate though (hey, it was our recess time, who can blame them?)! So if you don't see your sweet little child in this pic. you'll have to go and ask him/her why?!

We had a PACKED and fun day of learning. Hopefully these pictures will spark a fun conversation with your child! Have fun and see you all soon!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 3, Sept 22 and 24

Fun is an understatement for what we experienced this week at preschool! We learned all about our FIVE senses and anything else we could think of that started with Ff! Ask your preschooler if he/she can remember what was in the letter can this week and also if he/she can remember our "Alpha Animal" (Fenton Fox).
Also, we played a fun FRIENDS game that has a little song with it. See if you can get your preschooler to hold up all five fingers and do the song for you, pretending the fingers are his/her FIVE FRIENDS. It goes like this:

Five friends sitting in a bunch,
Mom and Papa called one home for lunch.
'Come on home! Come on home!'
Take one away and now there's
Four friends sitting in a bunch,
Mom and Papa called one home for lunch. . .
(keep going until you get to one friend left, then sing)
One friend, sitting all alone,
So I got up and went home!

Another fun rhyme to remember this week:

"I have senses, count them FIVE
Makes it fun to be ALIVE!"

See if you can get your child to tell you ALL five senses! Have FUN!

Friday, September 18, 2009

All About Me

During our 2nd week at school (September 15th and 17th), we learned our first OFFICIAL letter, Mm! Take a look at some of the ways we tried to remember the letter Mm and its sound. Have your child guess what is missing from the picture with the items from the letter can (the picture with Mario and the mirror etc). Here is a hint, I ate them after school, they were delicious!

I had the kids Dress Up (if they wanted to) so I could get a picture of them in all their creative glory! It was fun to see what each of them picked out. Some wanted to have MULTIPLE dress up personalities! Now that the kids know about the dress up basket, many of them have continued to change their identity a few times during the day. Dress Ups are a fun way to EXPRESS yourself!

We had a great week with such fun getting to know each other better. We also practiced our good manners and are getting better EACH day at saying please and thank you and taking turns! Preschool is the best!